Does this sound like you?

  • You were recently diagnosed with autism at age 26 and now it all makes sense why relationships are so hard.

  • You’re stressed about work, either from a lack of accommodations or because communication challenges prevent effective teamwork and collaboration?

  • You’re 22 years old and — even though you’ve been interested in dating — you’ve never had a girlfriend.

  • You’re lonely but you hate small talk and not sure how to connect with others.

  • You’re dating but don’t know how to nurture or deepen your relationships, or find that you keep meeting people the wrong kinds of people so it never goes anywhere.

These are common complaints we hear from neurodivergent adults ALL THE TIME.

Everything in our society — from school, to work, from dating to college, even friendships and family life — is modeled on social norms. Autistic, ADHD and other neurodivergent individuals don’t think, process information, or communicate the way non-autistic people do.

This can create a lot of stress, undermine confidence, and affect self-esteem in ways that negatively impact every area of life—often leading to despair, depression, anxiety and isolation. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Develop the “soft skills” you need to connect and communicate with other people at IRL Social Skills.

Get the soft skills advantage

Social skills are the most basic skills we need to get through life. They’re often referred to as “soft skills” but without them life can be harder than it needs to be. Many people — including neurodivergent adults — were never modeled social skills in a way that made sense. So they struggle and wonder WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?

There’s nothing wrong with you.

Human beings are social animals. We are meant to thrive in connection with others. Even if we are painfully shy or have high levels of social anxiety, we still need connection with others and functional relationships in order to be physically and mentally healthy and have fulfilled lives.

If you struggle to communicate your thoughts and feelings, understand others or form friendships or intimate connections, you may be neurodivergent—meaning you process information and communicate differently from social norms. There’s literally nothing wrong with this. Neurodiversity is as natural and necessary as biodiversity.

However, learning practical social skills to apply to everyday scenarios will help to:

  • Increase your chances for securing a good job

  • Improve the possibility of advancement at work

  • Overcome communication difficulties

  • Improve how you resolve conflict

  • Give and receive feedback more effectively

  • Improve emotional regulation

  • Boost self-esteem

  • More fulfilling relationships in every arena of life

Give us 16 weeks. We’ll give you the ‘soft skills’ advantage for work, social, family, and intimate relationships.

Whether you have a confirmed diagnosis of autism or believe you may be autistic or have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or other cognitive impairment that causes your relationships and communication to suffer, we can help.



How it works

Our classes meet once weekly via Zoom for 16 weeks (4 months). This allows participants to establish meaningful connections with coaches, instructors, and peers. At the same time, a parent, sibling, relative or other social coach attends class. Each class starts with 15 minutes of nervous system education, somatic, and mindfulness exercises to improve self-awareness.

After 15 minutes, the class splits into one breakout room for students and one for the parents/social coaches. Adult students will learn and practice concrete skills using role playing and other exercises. Meanwhile, the social coach group receives the same lessons, along with strategies for supporting learning in between weekly sessions.

This unique approach is what makes IRL Social Skills courses so effective. In fact, many parents and family members of our students tell us they they also benefit from the curriculum. The improved communication skills alone pave the way for better understanding, greater empathy, and an overall feeling of richer relationships.


The cost for our 16-week Social Skills Programs is $3999. That all-inclusive price covers:

  • 16-weeks of specialized neurodivergence-affirming support for both students AND parents

  • PEERS® curriculum—the only scientifically validated, proven-effective curriculum developed at UCLA

  • Three-and-a-half hours of instruction (1.75 hrs for students, 1.75 hrs for parents/social coaches)

  • Small groups, typically 8-12 families per class, allowing for maximum benefit and personalization 

  • Expert educators, therapists and clinicians with over 50 years combined expertise working with autistic and neurodivergent populations

  • Two coaches for each breakout room (four coaches per class) 

  • All class materials, handouts, videos and reference materials

  • Support outside the classroom

We are private pay and do not accept insurance. However, we can provide a sample superbill and share with you effective strategies to seek partial or full reimbursement from your insurance provider. Many states are now legally required to pay for services such as ours, but many families are not yet aware of the new laws. Payment plans may also be available.


Schedule a free 15-minute enrollment call with one of our program coordinators to learn more. We’ll tell you everything you need to know and answer all your questions. We can also review the superbill with you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Discover how IRL Social Skills can help you live your best life!

Call 971-373-4836 to learn more.



Stellar doesn’t even begin to describe the attributes of this team! Our son (22 years on the spectrum) blossomed under their tutelage; his dad and I became much better social coaches. Each week there was encouragement, no judgment, sharing bits of our stories. And progress! Being part of this cohort gave our son a place to belong, to perch, to learn, and to spread his wings.
He had actually been dreading the first class because he had participated in many “social” groups in middle and high school and felt that they had nothing to offer him. At the end of the first class with IRL Social Skills, he was kind of giddy. It was a lovely unfolding surprise for us each week. We will keep working on the skills because it simply works. Thank you IRL for opening this door for us.



Peer support makes the difference.

Autistic and socially struggling adults are at increased risk for loneliness, depression, anxiety and self-harm. By engaging with others who are experiencing similar discrimination or struggling with the same challenges, students become skillful advocates and collaborators. For individuals who struggle to make friends, this is a key component of the success of the program.

Our team of neurodiverse coaches teach social skills based on the The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) program*. PEERS is a highly effective, evidence-based social skills curriculum that has transformed the lives of autistic young people for decades.



Going into the class my son and I didn't know what to expect but in the end we couldn't be happier with the results. My son, who can't pay attention for more than a couple of minutes to anything, not once complained about spending close to two hours a week in this class. From day one he was ready to jump into the class each week.
I realized that he needed instruction from someone other than my wife or myself but if we tried giving him advice on friendship or — god forbid — DATING, he'd quickly walk away. In the class he participated eagerly and took the information seriously. We saw him applying the topics learned in real life. We couldn't believe it!
I highly recommend this class to young adults and their parents.




The Program for the Evaluation of the Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) was developed by UCLA's acclaimed Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. PEERS is critically acclaimed for providing evidence-based social skills treatment to youth and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and other socio-emotional problems. The program has been peer-reviewed by the psychiatric community many dozens of times, and confirms the efficacy of the program.

SOURCE: National Institute of Health, National Library of Medicine. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders